Liam’s Place LLC is a state-of-the-art family friendly visitation facility that also offers a myriad of services from supervised visitation, neutral exchange, home studies, classes such as Adult Life Skills and Individualized Parenting. We also offer Custody Evaluations and can provide assistance in creating parenting plans for pro se litigants.
Supervised visitation can occur at our facility or in the community. Further, we know that parents do not want to miss school activities and extra-circular activities. Our providers are trained to provide such services in a professional, discreet way not to embarrass the parent for whom the visitation is being supervised.
Lastly, when appropriate our providers will provide supervised visitation in the client’s home.
The level of supervised visitation is determined by the Court.
Liam’s Place LLC provides a safe secure way to exchange children. Our providers are properly trained in how to deal with high conflict clients and more importantly how to make the exchange as comfortable as possible for the children. Our facility has video surveillance in the areas in which the exchange will occur so that at any time the Court would need to view the footage, it is readily available.
Our providers tailor the parenting curriculum to the needs of each specific client. Upon receiving a referral, the court will receive a questionnaire from the intake specialist requesting the specific issues with regard to the case and the age of the children. This will provide critical information to the parenting provider so that the court will be assured the client is receiving assistance in the areas of concern
Whether the client needs assistance in finding housing or employment our providers are there to help in every way possible. Our providers will transport the clients if needed to assist in teaching them the tools they need to succeed and put their family back together.
At Liam’s Place LLC our providers work with families in teaching them how to prepare inexpensive healthy meals and we have a laundry area wherein the entire family can learn how to launder the clothing.
Liam’s Place LLC can provide a home study in any case wherein the court needs a full investigation into a kinship placement or placement for adoption. Our providers have years of experience in providing the court a thorough in-depth investigation into the possible placements for children.
When parties need assistance in drafting a parenting plan that works for their family we can help. Liam’s Place LLC will meet with the parties and assist in creating a plan that comports with the Court’s requirements and meets the needs of the children
There are times in which parties cannot agree as to a parenting plan and the Court does not feel it is warranted to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem. Our custody evaluator will meet with the parties at each of their homes and meet with the children. After meeting with the parties and the children the custody evaluator will draft a report making recommendations to the Court as to the parenting plan.
Liam’s Place LLC has a certified drug/alcohol screening provider. Our provider can provide drug/alcohol screening onsite or throughout the community. Our provider will work directly with the Court in tailoring a random screening schedule for the client. Whether the Court wishes the provider to call the client in for the screen, go to the client’s employment or home Liam’s Place LLC can accommodate any concern.
We have the power to create a better future. Treat children well.